Personal tv recorder
Remote control
Please configure your remote control according to the remove control installation instructions.The following keys are supported:
- OSD: Activate main menu
- QUIT: Quit main menu
- OK, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN in menu mode: Navigate through the menu
- LEFT, RIGHT in non-menu mode: Time shift. Note that Muxi is *always* recording, so you can time shift any time.
- UP, DOWN in non-menu mode: Volume up and down
- YELLOW: Refresh playlist / EPG scan
- RED: Delete (recording or timer)
- INFO: Toggle information level (e.g. short info, long info, no info)
- LIST: Toggle recording protection (prevent overwrite of old recordings in case of low disk space)
- PAUSE: Pause / continue
- MUTE: Toggle audio mute
- LIVETV: Jump back to live stream
- PRINT: Continue playback of recording or movie file (rather than playing from the beginning)
- PREVIOUS, NEXT: Time shift in big 5-minute steps
- ZOOM: Toggle aspect ratio. Note that Muxi scales to correct aspect ratio by default.
- POWER: Power off muxi
Keyboard control
If you prefer a standard keyboard use the following keys:- Escape: menu
- S: Screenshot
- P: Pause (works with both movie playback and live tv)
- A: Audio mute
- I: Information level (toggle status bar / detail information)
- F11: Change aspect ratio (aspect settings are preserved for each movie file / network).
- F12: Quit
- Cursor keys in standard mode: Time shift ff/rew and volume up/down
- Cursor keys in menu mode: navigation
- Other keys (e.g. Delete) are displayed on-screen when they become active
- If you want to run Muxi in fullscreen mode, edit main.h and set "FULLSCREEN 1" instead of "FULLSCREEN 0". Don't forget to re-compile (make clean && make)