Personal tv recorder
Release of Muxi 0.8.0. This release contains the following changes:
Release of Muxi 0.8.0. This release contains the following changes:
- Major update
- DVB-S and DVB-S2 supported, including new channel parsing script. Note that it might be needed to compile muxi with the included and patched xine-lib- (use it if you cannot not demux MPEG-TS streams).
- Big recording files are no more split into 2GB chunks
- Optimized for real fullscreen tv with a remote control
Release of Muxi 0.6.3. This release contains the following changes:
Release of Muxi 0.6.3. This release contains the following changes:
- Many minor bug fixes
- Browsing the menu is much faster now when using the remote control
Release of Muxi 0.6.2. This release contains the following changes:
Release of Muxi 0.6.2. This release contains the following changes:
- Major bug fix in src/db.h (in muxi-0.6.1) which prevents recording at all.
Release of Muxi 0.6.1. This release contains the following changes:
Release of Muxi 0.6.1. This release contains the following changes:
- Major bug fix in EIT routines. This means that EPG data fetching now works much much better and faster.
Release of Muxi 0.6.0. This release contains the following changes:
Release of Muxi 0.6.0. This release contains the following changes:
- New IR control interface: Muxi now uses LIRC and you're able to use a custom configured remote control. Please have a look into the remote control installation for further instructions.
- Again, bugfixes: This time the auto-deletion of old non-protected recordings has been fixed as well as some other minor bugs.
- New build interface: Install muxi using GNU-type ./ && ./configure && make && make install.
- Important: When updating from an older version, don't forget to inject the db changes:
mysql -u root muxi -f < tools/dbchanges.sql
Release of Muxi 0.5.0. This release contains the following changes:
Release of Muxi 0.5.0. This release contains the following changes:
- Many bugfixes: Some recording and time-shift issues have been fixed, as well as some other minor bugs
- Full epg scan: Press '3' on last menu page (configuration) to perform a full scan for all networks at once (takes some minutes, no viewing possible while scanning).
- New Full EPG view: As announced by last news, the full epg view is now available on the second menu page.
- Important: When updating from an older version, don't forget to inject the db changes:
mysql -u root muxi -f < tools/dbchanges.sql
Developing new features. I am currently developing a full EPG view for multiple networks. In the current stage it looks like this (scaled screenshot):
I hope it will make its way into the next release.
Developing new features. I am currently developing a full EPG view for multiple networks. In the current stage it looks like this (scaled screenshot):

I hope it will make its way into the next release.
Release of Muxi 0.4.3. This release contains the following changes:
Release of Muxi 0.4.3. This release contains the following changes:
- Bugfix: Non-scheduled recordings get the 'protected' flag automatically
- Top 500 shoutcast list is retrieved by pressing '7' in the 'Internet Radio' menu page. Last chosen stations are placed first in the radio list.
- Important: When updating from an older version, don't forget to inject the db changes:
mysql -u root muxi -f < tools/dbchanges.sql
Launch of new HTML design. I found this nice design at
Launch of new HTML design. I found this nice design at
Release of Muxi 0.4.2. This release contains an important fix for the bug causing segmentation faults upon switching networks or jumping from playback to live tv. Also, there are several improvements and optimizations implemented during all-day tv watching with Muxi.
Release of Muxi 0.4.2. This release contains an important fix for the bug causing segmentation faults upon switching networks or jumping from playback to live tv. Also, there are several improvements and optimizations implemented during all-day tv watching with Muxi.